Associate Sheena Wang co-authored an article for Food & Drink Technology titled "CRISPR and Agriculture" published on January 29, 2025.
Modern gene-editing technology, such as CRISPR/Cas technology, represents a ground-breaking advancement that has transformed our genetic engineering capabilities and has enormous potential for revolutionizing medicine, food production, research, and bioenergy production. In the agricultural field, CRISPR/Cas technology offers numerous advantages, such as the ability to eliminate allergens, increase nutritional content, improve growth rates, and reduce food waste. However, this technology faces a complicated and evolving regulatory framework and patent landscape in Europe, which is reviewed in this article.
Food & Drink Technology is an editorially led, real-time publication featuring the best in technical and business news, analysis, comment, interviews and product developments across Europe.
To read the article, visit "CRISPR and Agriculture" on the Food & Drink Technology website. Note you will need to enter required information to create a Food & Drink Technology account but no payment is required.