Partner Jennifer Maisel authored an article titled "NSCAI Final Report: United States Must Up Its IP Game to Win the AI Race" for, the largest online intellectual property publication in the world and a leading source for news, information, analysis, and commentary in the patent and innovation industries.
The National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence (NSCAI) recently issued its Final Report outlining a strategy for the United States to “win” the artificial intelligence era. Significantly, the Commission argues that the United States government is not currently organizing or investing to win the technology competition in Artificial Intelligence (AI) against a committed competitor, such as China, nor is it prepared to defend against AI-enabled threats and rapidly adopt AI applications for national security purposes. Accordingly, the Report outlines a two-pronged approach for the United States. Intellectual property policy falls under one of the prongs of the Commission’s Report, and Chapter 12 outlines the Commission’s recommendations on promoting intellectual property policy as a national security priority.
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