Judge Robert W. Schroeder III of the Eastern District of Texas granted plaintiff Rothschild Broadcast Distribution Systems, LLC‘s voluntary stipulation of dismissal of all of its claims against Rothwell Figg clients NGC Network US, LLC and Univision Communications, Inc., ending that litigation before NGC and Univision responded to the Complaints.
NGC and Univision were sued by Rothschild for patent infringement in the Eastern District of Texas. Rothschild alleged that NGC and Univision infringe U.S. Patent No. 8,856,221, entitled "System and Method for Storing Broadcast Content in a Cloud-Based Computing Environment". The ‘221 patent addresses generally the provision of online video streaming or downloading with user device authentication. Rothschild brought suit alleging infringement of the ‘221 patent against an additional eight companies on the same day in the same court. After Rothwell Figg explained the problems with asserting this patent against its clients, Rothschild voluntarily dismissed its cases against NGC and Univision without receiving any consideration from NGC or Univision.
The Rothwell Figg clients were represented by Steven Lieberman and Sharon Davis.