Partner R. Danny Huntington will participate as a panelist during an interactive session on the post-COVID IP firm as part of Fédération Internationale des Conseils en Propriété Intellectuelle (FICPI)'s "Connect, Share & Grow" webinar series. The webinar will be held at 9 am ET on March 17, 2021.
Covid-19 has undoubtedly transformed the operation of IP firms, starting with work from home and paperless environments. Clients have also changed and so have their requirements. The need for expert advice and immediacy has increased.
As we head towards exiting this pandemic episode, how will IP firms operate, communicate and grow?
- Have there been lasting modifications?
- What will we need to improve upon?
- What are the challenges ahead?
- What service lines will be required?
- How will the working from home options be applied in different countries?
Inspired by the recent FICPI benchmarking survey results, to be unveiled during the webinar, our distinguished international speakers will peer into the crystal ball and openly discuss trends and predictions.
The interactive session is open to all, whether or not FICPI members.